

2015 Senior Staff – Thank You!

By Alumni, Seminar, Volunteer


“We’ve got a team that’s hotter than hot! How hot is hot?!” Iowa HOBY would not be possible without our Senior Staff, volunteers age 21 or older, who help facilitate a magical, meaningful, and memorable experience for our ambassadors! These Senior Staff are often the first ones up in the morning and one of the last to go to bed at night, all while working tirelessly to ensure their group of ambassadors are taking positive risks, creating new connections, and making the most of their weekend at Iowa HOBY!

This year, 20 Group SEFAs and 9 Operations SEFAs came together to form a truly outstanding team!! The camaradarie and support shown was incredible, and those whom were new to staff dived right in and never looked back! The team was comprised of the following superb volunteers:

Group SEFAs:
Erin Austin (Iowa HOBY Alum)
Janelle Brehm (First Year with HOBY!)
Emily Buehler
Taylor Cook (Iowa HOBY Alum)
Jacque Dunbar
Heather Gratz (First Year with HOBY!)
Rachel Henning (Iowa HOBY Alum)
Jessica Humke (Iowa HOBY Alum)
Timothy Martinez (First Year with HOBY!)
Libby McGuire (Iowa HOBY Alum)
Caley Medinger (Iowa HOBY Alum)
Virgil Morris
Jadeyn Pender (Iowa HOBY Alum)
Matt Ploessl (Iowa HOBY Alum)
Joanna Poole
Hannah Semsch (Iowa HOBY Alum)
Amanda Stefl (Iowa HOBY Alum)
Matt Straube (First Year with HOBY!)
Rebecca Sullens
Madeline Wright (First Year with HOBY!)

Operations SEFAs:
Rachel Anderson (Iowa HOBY Alum)
Ryan Anderson (Iowa HOBY Alum)
Sarah Burke (Iowa HOBY Alum)
Marcus Clark
Thomas Eslinger (First Year with HOBY!)
Keegan Kautzky (Iowa HOBY Alum)
Kristi Lange (Iowa HOBY Alum)
Adam Newland (Iowa HOBY Alum)
Morgan Owen (Iowa HOBY Alum)

Thank you to everyone who shared their time and talents to make the 2015 Iowa HOBY seminar truly remarkable!

HOBY Hugs!
B-rock “B-Rock” Holman
Director of Senior Staff