by: Katherine Jamtgaard

I went to Iowa HOBY in 2011, not sure what was going on or what HOBY was. I had not received much information prior to seminar regarding what the leadership seminar truly entailed. I ended up going with my cousin and another student from my high school.  It made an outstanding impact. Since that life-changing ambassador year, I felt the need to come back and pass on the experience to others. I wanted other ambassadors to feel the joy and camaraderie that I felt when I went; I wanted to help others feel like they could be comfortable in their own skin – comfortable being themselves.

HOBY has taught me how I am unique and have my own signature style of leadership that is always changing and evolving. Since my ambassador year, I’ve returned as a JUFA for the 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015 seminars. Obviously HOBY has become a big part of my life, especially since- to be on junior staff- one has to commit to 100 hours of service each year. In achieving those 100 hours of service, I have come to understand how I prefer to serve and what my personal leadership style encompasses. I’ve helped with my home church’s vacation bible school program, volunteered through my high school’s chapter of the National Honor Society, as well as served as a team member for numerous retreats through the catholic student center on my college campus.

Being a JUFA has given me a different perspective of the seminar; showing me how vital everyone is to the program. As a staff member, I’ve had the opportunity to be that super-outgoing person that approaches an ambassador and challenges them to stretch their comfort zone and be kooky, from the moment they step out of their car. Actually, it’s my favorite part of seminar. I’m naturally an upbeat person, but I didn’t really show it until I went to HOBY.

Every year since, I have had the opportunity to be a super zany JUFA that wore a flower crown or graduation cap with a lei in it. But the really special thing, that I love to witness as a staff member, is the change that ambassadors go though. It may not seem like it, but the ambassadors go through a journey in those three days. Friday morning everyone is just like:

“Why are the crazy people in polo’s so loud?”

“Not going do that -that’s embarrassing.”

“Nope. Nope. Nope.”

But by Sunday afternoon, they don’t want to leave. They’ve established a family within that short time.

It is so cool to see that change. In a way, that’s why I keep coming back- because I know that I myself went through that change during my ambassador year. (#GroupSandbox)

My service with Iowa HOBY has not only been limited to volunteering as staff for the annual seminar. Once you’re in the Iowa HOBY family, they help you tap into your talents and utilize them. For the past few years I’ve been lending a hand with some graphic design work. I have helped with the Light Up the World design that was used for the 2013 seminar for t-shirts, programs, nametags, and door nametags as well as the Leader of the Pack design that was used for the 2015 seminar. Besides that, I have created button designs for my groups for the 2013 and 2014 seminars as well as for two WLC groups that my friend facilitated. Instead of giving me the tools and suggestions on how to change the world and leaving me on my own, Iowa HOBY has given me those things and has given me opportunities to actually do them.

Since I have completed my final JUFA year, and will (if they’ll have me) join the “blue polo club” AKA the SEFA staff, I hope to continue to return to Iowa HOBY, maybe go to other HOBY seminars, and even WLC to spread that HOBY cheer.

HOBY gives a person the tools, support, and connections to start their own movement to make a difference in the world. It arms its ambassadors, as well as staff, with the inspiration and willpower to achieve their dreams and aspirations. HOBY has given me so much. I hope to empower, lead, and excel and help others experience their own HOBY story.